I hope today goes well!
And yes the baby will indeed be very lucky to have you BOTH. A very loved baby he or she will be that is without question. :)
I can imagine it is frustrating not to shout from the rooftops your joyous news. It is for the best though. Jumping the gun only hurts more when you've made everyone jump it with you.
I'm sure though everything will be fine, but yeah in the early stages there is still the off chance of things not sticking (to be completely unsciencey), so just keep that mouth quiet a bit longer and bask in this news with the one person it also matters to the most. You both enjoy the journey.
Oh this is wonderful news! I will try not to count the chickens before they are hatched (or babies before they are birthed!) but its really fantastic to hear this. I always told you that you'd be a terrific father and god you're going to show it so much to your baby and wife. I'm so happy for you Rob. I wish your wife a smooth and relatively painless pregnancy and so much happiness for the future to the both of you.. and baby Sentio!
It still doesn't feel real for the moment- all we have as evidence is a stick. First doctor's appointment is on Thursday and I guess things will start to pick up from there! Thanks for the support though- you are more confident than I am in my skills as a father, but I'm certainly excited about the prospect. Luckily the baby will have a terrific mother!
It's driving me crazy not to be able to tell anyone, but we agreed that we would hold off until we are sure everything is going to plan! My mates have just opened a sweepstake on who will produce offspring first amongst us... I feel I may have an unfair advantage!