A long time since I posted anything here, so I thought I'd give a brief update on life and things...
I'm still at university not failing (yeah, I'm amazed as well...). In fact I now have just two more months of student life left before I set out into the big wide world. I've already committed to staying in Bath again next year though, so all I need to do now is find a job. It probably won't be anything I intend to stay doing, but I need a year to sit back and relax a bit after almost 20 years of education! After that who knows?
I'm still off to Indonesia in the Summer- how long for is dependent on a medical next week. If I pass (it will basically come down to my asthma, which is extremely mild), then I'll be able to dive while I am there, and therefore stay 4 weeks longer. Otherwise it will just be 4 weeks in the jungle, which is still pretty awesome. I should be fine for the diving I think, but *fingers crossed* anyway.
And far and away the most important thing in my life at the moment is Emma (who I briefly mentioned in my last post). Our relationship is going from strength to strength, despite the distance, so all you will get out of me at the moment is smiles =D. Once again I've landed on my feet and found someone really amazing.
Come on you GREENS!